
Ai Weiwei x The Sk8room Skateboard Decks


Chinese contemporary artist Ai Weiwei has teamed up The Sk8room – a Belgian company “dedicated to promoting, selling and producing art on skateboards” – to produce three skateboard deck graphics. Each of the designs reference one of Weiwei’s famous artworks – such as the “Sunflower Seeds” piece which showed at Tate Modern and He Xie, which included over 3,200 porcelain crabs – and bold statements like “There are no outdoor sports as graceful as throwing stones at a dictatorship in the world”, “The world is not changing if you do not shoulder the burden of responsibility”, and “Maybe being powerful means to be fragile” printed over the top. The decks are available from The Sk8room with 20% of the profits going to non-profit organisation Skateistan. Check them out.