Art & Design

Paper sculptures by Li Hongbo

Despite looking like simple replicas of classic Roman statues, Li Hongbo’s sculptures are entirely made of paper and they are actually flexible. These unconventional pieces of art often require months of work and are crafted from thousands sheets of paper glued together creating honeycomb like structures. The technique is inspired by the traditional Chinese decorations and is a really revolutionary method that evolves classic art.

Currently, Li Hongbo helds his first solo exhibition in the U.S. Specifically, the exhibition is at the Klein Sun Gallery of New York and it is titled “Tools of Study”. In the official description made by the gallery the following is indicated: “Li Hongbo invites viewers to experience paper and sculpture in a revolutionary and insightful new way. Utilizing his expert knowledge of paper’s natural strengths and weaknesses, the artist has transformed the media to stretch, twist, elongate and retract as if it were a giant slinky. Through this juxtaposition of playful mobility and a traditional aesthetic, Li Hongbo breathes a unique life into his works that stuns and awes the viewer.”