Art & Design

How did Queen ELizabeth React To An Artwork Inspired By Her?

Last week, Queen Elizabeth visited Germany, where she met President Joachim Gauck, who thought there was no better idea to impress his guest than show her a painting of Nicole Leidenfrost. The artwork is showing her on a pony, gift from her grandfather George V, while her father is watching them. The photo dates back to 1930.

The Queen however, did not seem quite as happy as the artist would have expected, having trouble in recognizing her father. “Is that supposed to be my father?”, she asked the President, after noticing “That’s a strange color for a horse”. Joachim Gauck managed to make the best of the situation, by showing her the next exhibit, a huge box with marzipans, making her much happier.

The young artist as she said in an interview, adding color to the black & white initial photo was a good idea for her, and that Royal Blue was a matchy color for a royal pony.