Art & Design

The Grand Budapest Hotel: The Game!

No need to say, how excited we are every time we come across some Wes Anderson project. Same goes with all these staff that his movies and style have inspired. (Remember that tribute of Apartamento?)

Now, it’s The Grand Budapest Hotel that inspired a game, created by NYU’s Gaming Center. The 2-D game is called Maquisard and it pretty much tells the story of Zero Mustafa orelse the Lobby boy, while he tries to collect “clues from the resistance about the identity of a government agent”. However, it is not officialy affiliated with the film, but the connection is apparent. The pastel pink color, the facade of the hotel. The story is not the same -who cares?- but what Wes Anderson is mostly known is his aesthetics.

So want to be part of The Grand Budapest Hotel? You can download it here.