
Brendahashtag is OZONised

Brenda is a European-at-heart girl, who happens to love New York. Her Instagram feed is a mix of places, in a black and white minimalistic narrative. She started using Instagram for fun and named it after a joke, but it soon became a part of her everyday life. Thanks for us! For Brenda happiness is the ultimate pursuit of life.

#1. When did you start using Instagram and why?
I started Instagram in the spring of 2013. The name “brendahashtag” was actually kind of a joke.. I obviously had no idea that the name would stick around. I was on IG to stalk other peoples outfits or what Justin Bieber was having for breakfast – with no intention to upload content myself.
But that got boring after a while, so I started taking pictures of my outfits, my room, Berlin and cities that I was traveling to….not with the goal of reaching as many followers as possible, it is more about finding people that share your aesthetics.
In comparison to other social media outlets instagram is just such a positive platform because it literally is about “liking” someone else’s work.

#2. Do you consider your self as a fashion blogger? If not what do you think about their role in fashion business?
I do not consider myself a fashion blogger. Obviously there is no denying of the power of fashion bloggers anymore, you simply can’t escape them. I love seeing that more and more bloggers are actually making money with their work now.
The only thing that frustrates me are bloggers with half a million followers who get flown around the world – and apparently none of their sponsor brands seem to notice that those followers are fake. But on the other hand that’s not really my business.. and there are some great content creators out there.

#3. What is your biggest source of inspiration and what is your greatest motivation?
One of my biggest inspiration and motivation is actually my dad. I look up to him in any way possible. Well maybe in every way except for fashion – he is straying true to himself by wearing the same Polo Ralph Lauren Shirts since the 90s.
Fashion inspiration for me mostly comes from traveling and people watching – so I still get more inspiration from real life than online platforms. I remember last summer, I was traveling to Paris to visit friends.. I was absolutely feeling my outfit while I was traveling (Sweatpants). As soon as I got into the city though I saw all these beautifully dressed women in skirts, suits and dresses and I suddenly felt incredibly underdressed. On the way back to Berlin I was wearing heels on an EasyJet plane and felt fabulous (Even though I spent too much money to even afford a Coke on the plane).

#4. You live between Berlin and New York. How did this two cities shape your identity and your mentality?
I could actually get used to how nice americans are. I still sometimes get confused when strangers ask me how I am. That just doesn’t happen in Germany really. Even though many things can be very shallow here – I’m hoping to bring back a lot of positivity to Berlin when I move back there this fall. Americans see NYC as this tough city, but in comparison to what I’m used to in Berlin I think everyone here is extremely polite.
Living in Germany where kind of everything happens in a certain order, I always thought of myself as a free spirit and relaxed person. But every time I’m Overseas or in a foreign country I realize how much of a German I actually am. I almost got in a fight with one of my best friends last week in NYC, because she was an hour late for a brunch date. As a typical German I am punctual and find it extremely rude when someone is late! So growing up in Germany definitely shaped my personality – but you mostly see that coming through when you’re not in your home country. I absolutely love New York but I am a European girl at heart and will always be.

#5. What do you do for living?
I am in the middle of my communication management B.A. in Berlin, I’ll be done with uni next summer. Right now I am working in a fashion PR agency in Soho, New York. That means press work for clients, showroom events, fashion show management etc etc. PR, especially in NYC is a very tough business field but I am learning a lot right now and I slowly understand the NYC term “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere”.
Obviously my instagram has kind of made the transition from a hobby into a job. I get to work with so many amazing creatives, get the opportunity to travel and to represent brands I believe in. I am actually working on a very huge personal project but that’s not going to be revealed until the beginning of 2016!

6# How much time per day do you spend on your instagram?
Too much. I obviously can have drinks or dinners with friends and not look at my phone but still it’s too much. I downloaded that app where you could see how much time you’re spending on which apps, and I deleted it after a day because it was embarrassing.

#7. What are your favorite fashion stores in Berlin and NY?
I actually don’t think Berlin is that great for shopping. But maybe thats just because I live there. It sounds so boring but I actually see myself going to the same stores like everyone else and then I find myself shopping online. For me Berlin is the coolest city in the world..just for many things other than shopping! Many people have an amazing style here but if you ask them what they are wearing its mostly like an up and coming designer from London or a cool online store.
In NYC there are a few stores that actually are exiting to go to, like VFiles, Dover Street Market and Opening Ceremony. And also vintage shopping here is amazing because you can actually get designer pieces for 30 dollars and it’s not such a ripoff like most “Vintage” stores in Europe!

#8. Which new brand or designer would you pick as a “new sensation”
Oh there are too many to count. I think in the next years South Korean brands and designers will take over (the world!!). You could say I am South Korean obsessed. I am adoring their minimalistic clean style, there is so much potential.

#9. How do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
I can tell you where I don’t see myself; married with kids living in a country house.
I have so many exiting things coming up in the future but as I am writing this I don’t even know what I’m having for dinner. I want to do what makes me happy, I want to travel, I want my family to be healthy and I want to keep my amazing friends and hopefully add some new friends on top of that. The “I want to be happy” thing sounds so super cheesy but if that’s not your ultimate goal in life than I don’t think you’re living life right. But maybe you shouldn’t take life advice from someone that calls themselves brendahashtag on instagram haha.