
Save the Whales, by Watching Porn!

Who said that eco-consciousness and porn addiction cannot be associated? This must have been the thought of (the well-known to all of us?) Pornhub, which found another way to celebrate the World Whale Day.

Donating 1 cent per 2000 views until February 29 to the non-profit organisation “Moclips Cetological Society”, for contributing to the whale’s rescue, Pornhub makes February 13th (World Whale Day) a date hard to forget. Bear in mind that the whale has been hunted so much by mankind, all through these years,  that almost all kinds of whale – from the grey to the orca, are endangered. “Here at Pornhub, we care deeply about the environment and the preservation of wildlife” Pornhub‘s Vice President, Corey Price, states on their press release.

Exculpation of porn (with a dose of ecological awareness) or clever marketing? We will be able to tell by the end of the month.. by the “quantity”.