
Join us on Instagram and share your photos with OZON

Hello, there! Missed us? Careful what you say there, cos we sure did. Not that we were feeling bored or anything, but while seeking for more ways to keep in touch with you peeps, we figured it’d be cool if we could see how you’re doing without too many words.

As we are all kinda photo-addicts we came up with a new #hashtag. If you too care to share the interesting stuff you come across, there’s not much to do. Just take a shot and hashtag #ozonstyle.

At the end of every week we’ll go through your photos and publish the ones we love the most on our website, sharing your #style.

Follow us on instagram here:

And keep hashtagging.

Take care. See you soon.

*Just so you know, we don’t want you naked (but then again if you feel otherwise, we won’t say no).