
New face: Nicholas Shelton

Nicholas Shelton is a 28 year old competitive runner from Portland, Oregon.

Wearing: Mohxa T-shirt / WeSC pants and shoes

What do you like in Athens?

I love the bakeries and especially the crepes. I like the the history and the culture. I live in the very top of Benaki street, in Arion hotel so I get a beautiful view of the Acropolis. I enjoy the Saturday open market, grocery shopping. I also go to an old body building gym that’s been around since 1987. There’s a lot of things I love… Like the beautiful women and the fact that almost everybody’s friends.

And what would you change in Athens?

It seems like everybody is trying to run me over with their car! Just that.

Fashion Cult model agency

Photos by: Ioanna Chatziandreou