Art & Design

TAF Art Foundation: Other World’s Souvenirs Photography Exhibition 22/9 – 22/10

The most common souvenir one will collect from traveling around the globe is some badly lit, crooked photo of a burnt face gleaming in front of a historic monument. People keep these tokens as personal memories of their travels. The Other Worlds Souvenirs exhibition at The Art Foundation (taf) from the 22/09 – 22/10 has been inspired by this tradition and presented a collection of images by 13 different photographers. Photographers from different artistic backgrounds have captured through a lens their ironic, humoristic or even realistic version of their ‘world souvenir’.

Photographer’s participating in the event are: Κατερίνα Βαφειά, Νικόλας Βεντουράκης, Γιώργος Δέτσης, Λεωνίδας Δημακόπουλος, Αγγελική Δουβέρη, Θαλασσινή Δούμα, Άγγελος Καλτσής, Φάνης Λογοθέτης, Ινώ Μέη, Γεράσιμος Νεόφυτος Άρης Ρουπίνας, Αγγελική Σβορώνου, Σπύρος Τσακίρης.

The Other World’s Souvenirs exhibition hosted at the TAF Art Foundation will last till the 22nd of October.