
20 Ways to Turn Your Life Into a Wes Anderson Movie

Unfortunately, we can’t live in a Wes Anderson movie, but we can try our hardest to turn our own lives into one. And so can you!

Follow these steps and embrace the muted, well-structured world of Wanderson.

1. Always walk in slo-mo, ideally in a gang.

2. Have a uniform or a standard outfit that you wear every single day.

3. Be deadpan.

4. Dance awkwardly.

5. Only ever engage in complicated love affairs.

6. Don’t speak often. When you do, make sure you say something beautiful.

7. Come up with wildly ridiculous plans in great detail.

8. Soundtrack your life with 60s pop and/or classical music.

9. Be part of a large family.

10. Do an impressive amount of travelling.

11. When it comes to fonts, use nothing but Futura Grand.

12. Make your instagram filter of choice Walden.

13. Be eccentric.

14. Face death and deal with it.

15. Befriend Bill Murray.

16. Dabble with suicide.

17. Say goodbye to mp3s – your record player is your new best friend.

18. Cut everything in half. Stand back and appreciate the cross-section.

19. Be childish – run away, build forts, live in treehouses.

20. Make lists. Read them out loud.

Your initiation is complete and you are now a fully fledged Khaki Scout/Tenenbaum/Rushmore Academy student/member of Team Zissou.