
Cindy Crawford: How Beauty Standards Turn Upside-Down

The 48-year-old supermodel posed recently, without the any Photoshop retouching, for Marie Claire USwearing only her underwear. Crawford has proudly shown off her real body as part of a campaign designed to show what models and celebrities look like without airbrushing. That move of hers has had rave reviews. Crawford said that she tries to be a good role model for her daughter by accepting herself.

One could say, though, that a “bold” move like this, is pretty simple for a model, since her body is almost flawless. That may be true. On the other hand, showing your imperfections and accepting yourself for what it really is, is exceptionally encouraging for thousands of women all over the world, especially when coming from a renowned model. It’s like the voice opposing to the most common stereotypes such as skinny girls, flawless butt and thigh gap, that the fashion industry is almost overwhelmingly promoting.