Fashion News

Cheap Monday Celebrates its 10th Anniversary with 10-minute Pop-up Stores

Cheap Monday is 10 years olds and everything revolves around this number. This means that 10 pop-up stores in 10 different cities will open their gates on October 10th, at 10 a.m. local for only 10 minutes (the shortest period of time such a store has ever existed for) and they will be selling 10,000 pairs of jeans.

Cheap Monday fans will be able to vote for the cities, where the 10 guerilla stores will open in a specially dedicated website. The voting will last until September 27th and its results will be announced one week prior to their opening. What the Swedish company asks in return is social currency, as the brand defines Facebook Likes, Instagram hashtags. Anything that has to do with social media.

And as Cheap Monday’s brand director, Anna Norling said “It’s our way of thanking [our fans and customers] for all the love and loyalty that we’ve received during our first 10 years”.

Και όπως είπε η brand director της Cheap Monday, Anna Norling “Είναι ο τρόπος μας να ευχαριστήσουμε τους φανς και τους πελάτες μας για όλη την αγάπη και αφοσίωση που έχουμε δεχτεί, τα πρώτα 10 χρόνια της Cheap Monday”.