Fashion News

Is Karlie Kloss attending the NYU?

Role models can only be demolished by their own supporting system. Since early 2015, there are two powerful statements by two supermodels of different ages: first it was Cindy Crawford and her photograph proving that beauty is found far beyond photoshopped flawless bodies. Now it’s Karlie Kloss, saying that it takes much more than a beauty face – refusing the common belief that models should be confined to their beauty, being poorly educated.

The famous Victoria’s Secret model has decided to take a swift on her career, after three years of being a front row “angel”. According to Harper’s Bazaar, Victoria’s Secret confirmed via US Weekly the end of their collaboration with Kloss:

“Karlie and I met several months ago to discuss the many things she hoped to do in her life and career. As we talked, it became clear she would not have the time to fulfill her myriad commitments. Reluctantly, we agreed she would leave the brand at the end of her contract.”

Kloss decided to focus on her modeling career as well as her education. By the fall, she will be attending the New York University, at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, after fellow model and NYU alumni Christy Turlington-Burns wrote her a letter of recommendation.