Fashion News

Urban Outfitters Pull Bloodstained Kent State Jumper

Urban Outfitters had to draw three products over the past year, since they were considered offensive. At the very beggining of 2014, two t-shirts carrying the slogans “Depression” and “Eat Less” were the reason why the company was highly criticized. This time, it’s a bloodstained vintage college jumper of the Kent State University to create controversy.

It makes reference to the murder of 4 students in 1970, by the Ohio National, during the 4th May protest. Nixon, who was elected as the US president the previous year, supported Lon Nol, a Campodian general, who had self-proclaimed Prime Minister, after leading a military coup against Prince Norodom Sihanouk. The mayor of Ohio asked for the help of the National Guard, in order to avoid fights, since except for the American occupation, equality between black and white people, was the other matter that made things in the US even more intense.

The jumper -as expected- has been drawn from Urban Outfitters stores and is only available at e-bay, where it can be sold for $2,500 instead of $129, its initial price.

A few days after the murders, Neil Young wrote a track-reference to them.