
Roskilde Festival 2013 Pt. 4: Baby In Vain

Today we introduce you to the danish band, Baby In Vain. The band consists of three young girls in the age of 17-19 years old and plays a mix of heavy punk, grunge and rock music. The group have since they released their three singles got mazing reviews from both international and national press. The band have been very hyped and managed to fill the Pavillion Junior stage completely when they played Wednesday at the festival. Enjoy the interview with Lola, Andrea and Bene.


How did you start playing music and when?


Andrea: We started in 2010 in the fall. Me and Bene started playing music, then later Andrea joined the band. She actually became a member in our band without us knowing if she could play music. We were friends before and thought it would be cool to have her in the band. All of us meet through common friends.

Lola: We just had fun, but at first times we played together it sounded terrible. Andrea and I was 12-13 and Bene was 15. I started playing guitar when I was nine, but I didnt really play before I started playing with these two girls.


How did you find your sound?


Andrea: We never really talked about what we wanted to play, but Lola and Bene had developed some songs that we tried play together. I think without knowing or discussing it that we had a common vision. It just happend by it self, I think Bene and I did not really listen to it in the beginning.

Bene: We didnt listen to this genre when we started, but somehow all our ideas became the sound that we have today.


What kind of music do you listen to yourself?


Bene: I listen to alot of pop, not to hard rock. All kind of music. I would rather listen to pop than rock. I love Justin Timberlake.

Andrea: Bene is the pop inspiration.

Lola: We are all big fans of rock n’roll, but we dont listen to very heavy music. We like some, but mostly we listen to music after our mood. How the weather is and so on.


How was it playing at Roskilde? Did you have any expecxtations before?


Lola: I had the feeling that nothing could go wrong, that it was only us that could do wrong, but then it was the festival that ”fucked up” (in the beginning of the concert the festival had technical problems).

Andrea: That is also why we continued playing, we never thought that the festival could be the one that had technical problems.

Bene: Before the concert I had a feeling that something would go wrong. We are always unlucky during our concerts. Something always happens.

Lola: We were a bit nerveous since it took a long time before it started working again.

Andrea: But then it just became fun and a kind of stunt for us. After we could come back with more energy. Very smart.


Was it as you had expected?


Lola: No I dont think you know before what you can expect before you are there.

Andrea: I did not expect so many people to show up.

Bene: I think that there was two things I did not expect: the number of people and second it is the only concert were I do not really remember the concert. I do not feel that it have happend. After we stopped playing it felt like it was several weeks ago it happened.


How did you celebrated?


Andrea: We drank some beer.

Bene: And some champagne.

Lola: I did not drink alcohol up to, since I wanted to be clear for the concert.


Is it your first Roskilde Festival?


Andrea: It is the first time that we play here, but Lola and I have been here before. It is Bene’s first time.


Do you like it?


Bene: I think it is disgusting, but also alot of fun.


Which bands have you listen to so far?


All: Slipknot yesterday.

Andrea: That was a party. That was really nice.

Bene: Savages

Lola: We also saw Drenge that played on the Pavillion Scene.


Which concerts do you look forward seeing?


Lola: Chelsea Light Moving, Rihanna and Metalica tomorrow. Today I look forward to Henry Rollins. Also Bombino and Johnathan Wilson.


Which feeling do you want people to have when they listen to your music?


Lola: When we play live it is more energetic.

Andrea: We want people to feel something, the worse thing is when youre at a concert were people dont feel and dont care. When it seems mechanic and without a nerve. They can feel hate or love, I dont care as long as they feel something.

Bene: We try to give everything we have.


What do you like about Roskilde Festival?


Andrea: It is a cool festival, I like that it is so diverse. All the events, the good selection of music and the different art around the festival.

Lola: when you come to the festival everything is in a good quality, people know what they are doing.


Is there many people who comment you on your young age?


Lola: Yes sometimes, but it is okay as long as it is not the main story. It is bad when it is used negative and with the fact that we are girls instead of focusing on the music.

Bene: The best thing is when people listen to our music before they know about our age.

Andrea: Age is for me an non-important fact. I think it is weird when people put it up on our age and not on our creativity, energy and how much we rehearse.


What is the weirdest that happend on stage?


Andrea: Now when we played at Roskilde.

Lola: Didnt anything fun happend on stage?

Bene: No, maybe we are just a boring band, it is most of the time bad things that happen.

Andrea: Ahh yes the head broke of my guitar once.

Lola: We also played a concert in Esbjerg, were people threw beer and clothes after us because they thought we were satanic. But we are not at all.

Bene: Strange concert.


Link for Baby In Vain‘s music video “Sweetheart Dreams”:



Text / Interview / Photos: Christina Kousgaard & Nanna Rosenfeldt – Olsen