
Berlin Showroom: Interview With Arne Eberle

Berlin Showroom is the new destination in Paris to discover leading fashion design from Berlin.
Berlin Showroom bi-annually presents the best of German fashion to international buyers and fashion lovers and press providing a unique opportunity for cutting-edge designers to promote themselves outsideBerlin. Located in the Marais, in the heart of ParisBerlin Showroom showcases a carefully curated group of designers, ranging from emerging talents to Berlin’s New Establishment, all presenting their collections in a showroom environment during Paris Fashion WeekBerlin Showroom is a part of the strategy of Projekt Zukunft/Senate for EconomicsTechnology and Research in Berlin. The joint presentation is co-financed by the Foreign Trade Support Programme and the European Regional Development FundBerlin Showroom is realised by the International Design Center Berlin in co-operation with Arne Eberle press+sales and Initiative Projekt Zukunft. The 2nd edition of Berlin Showroom will feature the S/S ’14collections of 23 of Berlins finest fashion designers. “Menü Berlin” -an editorial specifically realised for this edition of Berlin Showroom by Damien Vignaux (Photography & Post-production) and Rainer Metz (styling) – brings together pieces of all 23 collections in one stunning fashion spread.


Arne Eberle, who organize the Showroom, gives us some further interesting information.


Did you work together with a certain PR agency in Paris?


A.E.: Yes, we do PR ourselves because we are a PR agency, but especially for the French market, it was better to work with someone who had all the contacts here so we worked with L’appart PR and were quite happy.



How many buyers showed up approximately and from what parts of the world?


A.E.: I don’t know because we haven’t counted yet, but I think about 500 to 600.

There were a lot of people from Asian more or less and a lot from North America.



What about Media? Did you have any magazines or press?


A.E.: There were quite a few actually. German magazines, but French ones as well. Bigger ones from Germany were also here. Christiane Arp, editor in chief of German Vogue did invitations for the Showroom. She is doing the Vogue Salon at the Berlin fashion week, where she is pulling together 8-10 designers she really likes in order to promote them. Some of these brands are also here with us and that is also a reason she was keen on helping us.



Would you say that you had some certain goals to meet for the first time?


A.E.: The goal was that everyone is happy in the end and that enough people were coming!



Did the brands receive purchase orders from shops?

A.E.: Yes they did.


Do you think that you’ll be having a second round for next season?

A.E.: Yes for sure! (laughs)


As it turns out by these four very successful days, Berlin is on its way to becoming a unique and serious fashion destination and both buyers and designers will have to visit it frequently. So, if you happen to be in Paris, do not miss Berlin Showroom II.


Berlin Showroom II

28.09. - 01.10.2013, from 10 am – 7 pm

116rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris