Fashion ROTS: A fashion brand from Cyprus with a fetish touch Armed with work experience in London, Florence as well as Amsterdam alongside…
Fashion Milan Vukmirovic: The creative mind of fashion Born and and raised in France, Milan Vukmirovic studied at the ESMOD…
Fashion Pascal Millet: Turning Fashion Into Fun Parisian designers are restrained, distant and slightly snub. This rather cliché statement…
Fashion Marianne Le Clère-Papalexis: The Soul Of Zolotas Balancing between the well-structured France and luminous Greece, between the Zolotas history…
Fashion Constantin Papakonstantinou: Dreaming in Social Young, grounded and creative; Constantin Papakonstantinou is the Global Digital Content and…
Fashion Danae Varangis: The DV Closet Creator How would it feel to have a professional stylist providing you with…
Fashion The 2018 Pirelli calendar “beheads” racial stereotypes This years’ artistic direction of the shoot for the world-renowned Pirelli calendar,…
Fashion Acne Studios opened Milan flagship store Scandinavian brand Acne Studios had the launch of its Milan flagship store…
Fashion Add some Fun to your wear with the hot Little Rocks designs Visual artist and illustrator Petroula Krigkou had the idea to create an…
Fashion The hottest backpacks of the moment for your summer vacation Right before you go off to your summer vacation, we looked for…
Fashion Is Fashion Really Changing Beauty Standards? In recent years, fashion seems to want and take a stance on…
Fashion Cara Delevingne in Space Age Bodysuit for British GQ Cara Delevigne graces the cover of the August issue of British GQ…