
Men in bathing suits @ Nordiska Museet, Sweden

Text: Christina

For those who are able to travel this summer abroad, and especially to the sunny capital of Sweden, Stockholm, they should not miss out to visit two fresh exhibitions under one roof! Nordiska Museet is maybe the most fashion-friendly museum in Stockholm. This period of time one of the most enjoyable exhibitions is called Men in bathing suits. Admittedly,men swimsuits used to have their own fashion trends as women swimsuit have. This retrospective exhibition wants to take you back in time and see the progress of a man swimsuit.There is also a book written by dr. Marianne Larsson, which may help you understanding each and every swimsuit better!

Besides that, there is also one more interesting exhibition that takes place the same time in the museum.Its name is ‘Garbage’ and it was created in order to make us think and reconsider the reasons why we put thinks into a trash tank and we don’t keep them,or what feelings we have when we get rid of them.The exhibition will last until 25th of September.

Location: Djurgårdsvägen 6-16, Djurgården Stockholm
End date: 18th of September